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100 Jahre Agrar- und Umweltforschung Bad Lauc...
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3rd International Conference on Wireless, Int...
4th EAI International Conference on Robotic S...
5G System Design: An End to End Perspective [...
A New Era for Microbial Corrosion Mitigation...
A Primer on Machine Learning in Subsurface Ge...
AI and Machine Learning Paradigms for Health...
Acoustic Emission Testing: Basics for Researc...
Acoustic Textiles [Paperback]
Adaptive Finite Elements in Linear and Nonlin...
Adaptive Multi-Standard RF Front-Ends [Hardco
Adaptive Robust Control for Planar Snake Robo...
Advanced Electronic Technologies and Systems...
Advanced Maritime Technologies and Applicatio...
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applicat...
Advanced Stress and Stability Analysis: Worke...
Advanced Test Methods for SRAMs: Effective So...
Advances in Audio Watermarking Based on Matri...
Advances in Communication, Devices and Networ...
Advances in European Geothermal Research: Pro...
Advances in Gear Theory and Gear Cutting Tool...
Advances in Human Factors in Wearable Technol...
Advances in Industrial and Production Enginee...
Advances in Interdisciplinary Engineering: Se...
Advances in Learning Automata and Intelligent...
Advances in Mechanical Engineering: Selected...
Advances in Multifield Theories for Continua...
Advances in Neural Computation, Machine Learn...
Advances in Non-Linear Modeling for Speech Pr...
Advances in Smart Grid Automation and Industr...
Advances in Soil Science: Volume 20 [Paperbac
Advances in Speech Coding [Paperback]
Advances in Superconductivity [Paperback]
Advances on Smart and Soft Computing: Proceed...
An ASIC Low Power Primer: Analysis, Technique...
Analog Circuit Design: Low Voltage Low Power;...
Analysis and Synthesis of MOS Translinear Cir...
Androgenesis and Haploid Plants [Hardcover]
Anthropologie der Technik: Ein Beitrag zur St...
Applications of Systems Approaches at the Fie...
Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechani...
Applied Multidimensional Systems Theory [Pape...
Applied Reliability and Quality: Fundamentals...
Artificial Intelligence and Bioinspired Compu...
Atomic Information Technology: Safety and Eco...
Aufgaben aus der Flugzeugstatik: Im Auftrage...
Automation and Robotics in the Architecture,...
Automatisierung der Werkzeugmaschine f?r die...
Balanced Control of Flexible Structures [Pape...
Banana Production in Venezuela: Novel Solutio...
Baukunde f?r Maschinentechniker: Lehrbuch f?r...
Berechnung von Gleichstromschaltungen [Paperb
Big Data and Blockchain for Service Operation...
Bioactive Natural Products for Pharmaceutical...
Bioclimatology and Biogeography of Africa [Pa...
Biodiesel, Combustion, Performance and Emissi...
Biological Micro- and Nanotribology: Natures...
Biologische Wirkung von Licht im Kraftfahrzeu...
Biomechanics: Current Interdisciplinary Resea...
Biomimetics and Bionic Applications with Clin...
Biosaline Research: A Look to the Future [Pap...
Biosystematics of Triticeae: Volume V. Genera...
Blast Waves [Hardcover]
Blind Source Separation: Advances in Theory,...
Blocks, Towards Energy-efficient, Coarse-grai...
Bodenmechanik der St?tzbauwerke, Stra?en und...
Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change:...
Boundary Element Methods for Engineers and Sc...
Bringing Skepticism to Crop Science [Paperbac
B?nderstruktur und Stromtransport [Paperback]
CMOS Multichannel Single-Chip Receivers for M...
Catalysis and Zeolites: Fundamentals and Appl...
Cereal-Based Foodstuffs: The Backbone of Medi...
Chalcogenides: Metastability and Phase Change...
Channel Modeling and Physical Layer Optimizat...
Chemical Triggering: Reactions of Potential U...
Chemical-Mechanical Polishing of Low Dielectr...
Chemometrics in Environmental Chemistry - App...
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC)...
Circuit Analysis with Multisim [Paperback]
Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management [...
Cloud-Based Design and Manufacturing (CBDM):...
Co-Synthesis of Hardware and Software for Dig...
Coated Metal: Structure and Properties of Met...
Colonic Microbiota, Nutrition and Health [Pap...
Combustion-Generated Air Pollution: A Short C...
Communication System Design Using DSP Algorit...
Compendium of Surface and Interface Analysis...
Complex Hamiltonian Dynamics [Paperback]
Composite Materials: Properties as Influenced...
Computational Biomechanics for Medicine: Soli...
Computational Granular Mechanics and Its Engi...
Computational Intelligence in Oncology: Appli...
Computational Modeling of Objects Presented i...
Computer Communication, Networking and IoT: P...
Computer in der Schule 3: Materialien f?r den...
Concrete-Filled Double Skin Steel Tubular Col...
Contamination Mitigating Polymeric Coatings f...
Control Applications in Modern Power System:...
Control of Modern Integrated Power Systems [P...
Converging Clinical and Engineering Research...
Correlations in Condensed Matter under Extrem...
Cryocoolers 10 [Hardcover]
DIY MEMS: Fabricating Microelectromechanical...
Das Einrichten von Halbautomaten: Die Einspin...
Das Kabel im Br?ckenbau [Paperback]
Das Kraft- und Weggr??enverfahren in Beispiel...
Das Maschinenzeichnen des Konstrukteurs [Pape...
Das Photographische Objektiv [Paperback]
Das Teillastverhalten konventioneller Dampfkr...
Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics:...
Data Mining im praktischen Einsatz: Verfahren...
Decision Making in Complex Systems: The DeciM...
Decommissioning Offshore Structures [Paperbac
Degradation of Elastomers in Practice, Experi...
Dehydration of Foods [Paperback]
Der Antrieb von morgen 2017: Hybride und elek...
Der Bau der Starrluftschiffe: Ein Leitfaden f...
Der Vorrichtungsbau [Paperback]
Design Automation of Cyber-Physical Systems [...
Design Science: Introduction to the Needs, Sc...
Design and Control of Hybrid Brake-by-Wire Sy...
Design and Control of RF Power Amplifiers [Pa...
Design and Practice of Cruise Ports [Paperbac
Design and Simulation in Biomedical Mechanics...
Design, Production and Placement of Self-Cons...
Deutsch im Maschinenbau: Ein DaF-Lehrbuch f?r...
Developments in Medical Image Processing and...
Diagnose steuerungsexterner Fehler an Fertigu...
Diagnostic Techniques in Industrial Engineeri...
Dictionary of Production Engineering/W?rterbu...
Die Drehmaschinen: Drehb?nke und verwandte We...
Die Elektrizit?t: ihre Erzeugung und ihre Anw...
Die Geb?ude der Universit?t Heidelberg [Paper
Die Gefahren der Elektrizit?t im Bergwerksbet...
Die Gesetzm??igkeiten kombinatorischer Techni...
Die Grundlagen der ?hnlichkeitsmechanik und i...
Die Heiz- und L?ftungsanlagen in den verschie...
Die Herstellung von Nadelfilzen mit modifizie...
Die Pr?fung nichtmetallischer Baustoffe [Pape...
Die Selbstt?tige Signalanlage der Berliner Ho...
Die elektrische Fern?berwachung und Fernbedie...
Die grossen Segelschiffe: Ihre Entwickelung u...
Die moderne Parfumerie: Eine Anleitung und Sa...
Die technischen Grundlagen der Kinematischen...
Digital Agriculture: A Solution for Sustainab...
Digital Design and Manufacturing of Medical D...
Digital Picture Processing: An Introduction [...
Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 for S...
Digitale Rechenanlagen: Grundlagen / Schaltun...
Digitalisierung in der Pflege: Zur Unterst?tz...
Directed Energy Weapons: Physics of High Ener...
Discrete Dynamics: Basic Theory and Examples...
Disease Management in Cocoa: Comparative epid...
Dislocation Dynamics During Plastic Deformati...
Disposal of Weapon Plutonium: Approaches and...
Distributed Cooperative Control and Communica...
Distributed Heterogeneous Multi Sensor Task A...
Doctoral Training in Engineering: Developing...
Drahtlose Telegraphie und Telephonie: Ein Lei...
Drop Heating and Evaporation: Analytical Solu...
Droplets and Sprays: Simple Models of Complex...
Dual Superconductor Models of Color Confineme...
Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1: Proc...
Dynamic Response of Granular and Porous Mater...
Dynamics and Design of Space Nets for Orbital...
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 4: Proce...
Dynamics of Rods [Paperback]
Education, Research and Business Technologies...
Effective Inquiry for Innovative Engineering...
Efficient and Sustainable Wood-based Construc...
Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Problems in Applie...
Ein Verfahren zur zielorientierten Auftragsei...
Einfluss der Oberfl?chenrauigkeit auf die mec...
Einf?hrung in Theorie und Praxis der Zeitreih...
Einf?hrung in die Technische Mechanik: Festig...
Eisenverarbeitung und Eisenhandel: Die Staatl...
Electric Mobility in Public TransportDriving...
Electric Vehicles and Renewable Generation: P...
Electrochemistry IV [Paperback]
Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electric Veh...
Electron-Beam Interactions with Solids: Appli...
Electronic Engineering and Computing Technolo...
Electronic Experiences in a Virtual Lab [Pape...
Electronic Materials [Paperback]
Electronic and Magnetic Excitations in Correl...
Elektrisch leitf?hige Polymerwerkstoffe: Ein...
Elektrische Kraftwerke und Netze [Paperback]
Elektronische Schaltungen 1: Grundlagen, Anal...
Elektrotechnisches Praktikum: F?r Laboratoriu...
Elemente des Apparatebaues: Grundlagen Baue...
Embedded Systems f?r IoT [Paperback]
Embodied Carbon in Buildings: Measurement, Ma...
Emerging Computing: From Devices to Systems:...
Emerging Optical Network Technologies: Archit...
Emerging Trends and Techniques in Biofuel Pro...
Emerging Trends in Neuro Engineering and Neur...
Energieausweis - Das gro?e Kompendium: Grundl...
Energiemanagement im Kraftfahrzeug: Optimieru...
Energy Forecasting and Control Methods for En...
Energy Materials 2014: Conference Proceedings...
Energy Systems Evaluation (Volume 2): Multi-C...
Energy Systems in the Era of Energy Vectors:...
Energy Utilisation: The Opportunities and Lim...
Energy-Efficient VCSELs for Optical Interconn...
Energy-aware Scheduling on Multiprocessor Pla...
Engineering Geology: Principles and Practice...
Engineering and Medicine in Extreme Environme...
Engineering of Micro/Nano Biosystems: Fundame...
Enhancing Resilience of Dryland Agriculture U...
Entwurf und Technologie hochintegrierter Scha...
Environmental Management and Sustainable Deve...
Equivalence Checking of Digital Circuits: Fun...
Erfolg in Netzwerken [Paperback]
Erfolgsfaktor Logistikqualit?t: Vorgehen, Met...
Ermittlung der Teilhabef?rderung und des Fina...
Ernst Haeckel [Paperback]
Error-Correction Coding for Digital Communica...
Essentials of Food Sanitation [Paperback]
Eucalyptus: Engineered Wood Products and Othe...
Exkursion China 2018: Beijing, Changsha, Shan...
Experimental Innovations in Surface Science:...
Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Turb...
Experten-Forum Powertrain: Komponenten und Ko...
Expertise Under Scrutiny: 21st Century Decisi...
Explainable Artificial Intelligence Based on...
Explosives Detection: Sensors, Electronic Sys...
Fachwissen f?r Brandschutzhelfer [Paperback]
Facilities Management Handbook [Hardcover]
Fast Hopping Frequency Generation in Digital...
Fault Diagnosis for Linear Discrete Time-Vary...
Femtosecond Optical Frequency Comb: Principle...
Ferroalloys: Theory and Practice [Paperback]
Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for...
Finite Element Methods for Engineering Scienc...
Finite Rotation Shells: Basic Equations and F...
Flexible Sensors for Energy-Harvesting Applic...
Fluid Mechanics and the Environment: Dynamica...
Fluidmechanisch und elektrophysikalisch optim...
Fl?chenrecycling durch kontrollierten R?ckbau...
Focal-Plane Sensor-Processor Chips [Paperback
Food Ethics Education [Paperback]
Food Physics: Physical Properties - Measureme...
Food Security Among Small-Scale Agricultural...
Footprints in Cambridge and Aviation Industri...
Force and Position Control of Mechatronic Sys...
Forensic Speaker Recognition: Law Enforcement...
Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems: Sec...
Fractal Elements and their Applications [Hard...
Fractional Behaviours Modelling: Analysis and...
Fracture Mechanics [Paperback]
Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evoluti...
Free-Convective Heat Transfer: With Many Phot...
Freiformschmiede: Erster Teil: Grundlagen, We...
Freshwater Biomonitoring and Benthic Macroinv...
From Signals to Image: A Basic Course on Medi...
Frontier Computing on Industrial Applications...
Fundamentals of Digital Electronics [Hardcove
Fundamentals of Inertial Navigation, Satellit...
Fundamentals of Pneumatics and Hydraulics [Pa...
Fused Deposition Modeling Based 3D Printing [...
Future Control and Automation: Proceedings of...
Future Impacts of Biotechnology on Agricultur...
Gas Cleaning in Demanding Applications [Paper
Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers: Proceedings of...
General Spatial Involute Gearing [Paperback]
Generalized Low-Voltage Circuit Techniques fo...
Generation, Accumulation and Production of Eu...
Geometrical Methods for Power Network Analysi...
Geostatistical Applications for Precision Agr...
Getting Started with Tiva ARM Cortex M4 Micro...
Gewinnen Strategien f?r mathematische Spiele:...
Graph-Based Modelling in Engineering [Paperba
Graphene Field-Effect Transistor Biosensors [...
Green Diesel: An Alternative to Biodiesel and...
Growing Food: A Guide to Food Production [Har...
Grundlagen des Stahlbaues [Paperback]
Grundriss der Makromolekularen Chemie [Paperb
Grundzuge der Zerspanungslehre: Theorie und P...
Grundz?ge der Bergbaukunde Einschliesslich Au...
Guide to Wireless Sensor Networks [Paperback]
Gut Microbiome and Its Impact on Health and D...
HDPE Geomembranes in Geotechnics [Paperback]
Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Healt...
Handbook of Starch Hydrolysis Products and th...
Handbuch der Bildtelegraphie und des Fernsehe...
Handbuch der Gie?erei-Technik: Band 1 / 1. Te...
Handbuch der Schwei?technik: Band II: Verfahr...
Harnessing Big Data in Food Safety [Paperback
Heat Transfer: Basics and Practice [Paperback
High Speed Optical Communications [Hardcover]
High Velocity Microparticles in Space: Influe...
High-Performance D/A-Converters: Application...
High-Tc Copper Oxide Superconductors and Rela...
High-Voltage Test and Measuring Techniques [H...
Highway Engineering Composite Material and It...
Hilfsbuch f?r Dampfmaschinen-Techniker [Paper
Hochfrequenzmesstechnik: Verfahren und Messsy...
Human Friendly Robotics: 10th International W...
Human Reliability and Error in Transportation...
Humanizing Healthcare Human Factors for Med...
Hybrid ADCs, Smart Sensors for the IoT, and S...
Hybrid PID Based Predictive Control Strategie...
Hydrate Control in Drilling Mud [Paperback]
Hydrocyclones: Analysis and Applications [Har...
Hydrologie: Eine Einf?hrung f?r Ingenierure [...
Hygrothermal Behaviour and Building Pathologi...
IPA Concepts and Applications in Engineerin...
IT Convergence and Services: ITCS & IRoA...
IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics Modeling and Inte...
IUTAM Symposium on One Hundred Years of Bound...
Immobilized Enzymes in Food and Microbial Pro...
Impact of AI and Data Science in Response to...
Implementing and Leveraging Blockchain Progra...
Indistinguishability Operators: Modelling Fuz...
Industrial Cloud-Based Cyber-Physical Systems...
Industrial Sprays and Atomization: Design, An...
Industrieroboter: Technik, Berechnung und anw...
Informatics in Control, Automation and Roboti...
Informatik - Anwendungsentwicklung - Praxiser...
Information Mining: Methoden, Algorithmen und...
Information Systems and Technologies: WorldCI...
Information Technology and Systems: ICITS 202...
Infrared Thermographic NDT-based Damage Detec...
Ingenier?a Ac?stica: Teor?a y Aplicaciones [H...
Ingredients for Successful System Level Desig...
Innovations and the Environment [Paperback]
Innovations in Biomedical Engineering 2023 [P...
Innovative Diagnostics and Treatment: Nanorob...
Innovative Technologies for Printing, Packagi...
Input-Output Analysis of Large-Scale Intercon...
Inspection of Medical Devices: For Regulatory...
Instandhaltung von Werkzeugmaschinen [Paperba
Integral and Inverse Reinforcement Learning f...
Integrated Electronics on Aluminum Nitride: M...
Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Gre...
Integrated Solid Waste Management: A Lifecycl...
Integration of Functional Oxides with Semicon...
Integration of Fundamental Polymer Science an...
Integration of WSN and IoT for Smart Cities [...
Intelligent Algorithms for Analysis and Contr...
Intelligent Backstepping Control for the Alte...
Intelligent Computing Paradigm and Cutting-ed...
Intelligent Computing and Optimization: Proce...
Intelligent Control: A Hybrid Approach Based...
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications:...
Intelligent Systems for Social Good: Theory a...
Intelligent Technologies for Internet of Vehi...
International Conference on Advanced Intellig...
International Conference on Computer Networks...
International Farm Animal, Wildlife and Food...
Internet of Things Based on Smart Objects: Te...
Internet of Things for Indoor Air Quality Mon...
Internet of Things in Smart Sewer and Drainag...
Internet of Things: Building Blocks and Busin...
Ion Tracks and Microtechnology: Principles an...
Ionically Gelled Biopolysaccharide Based Syst...
Isaac Newton [Paperback]
Kinematics of Mechanical Systems: Fundamental...
Light Scattering in Solids VIII: Fullerenes,...
Logistik in der Automobilindustrie: Innovativ...
Low-Power Wireless Infrared Communications [H...
Machine Learning Modeling for IoUT Networks:...
Maintenance Management in Network Utilities:...
Measuring Electronics and Sensors: Basics of...
Mechanics of Advanced Materials: Analysis of...
Microbial Fuel Cells for Environmental Remedi...
Mine Safety: A Modern Approach [Paperback]
Mitteilungen ?ber Forschungsarbeiten auf dem...
Modeling Communication Networks and Protocols...
Modeling Telecom Networks and Systems Archite...
Modelling and Experimentation in Two-Phase Fl...
Modern Problems of Structural Stability [Pape...
Moderne Rechnernetze: Protokolle, Standards u...
Montagestrukturplanung f?r variantenreiche Se...
Nachhaltige Nutzung von W?rmeenergie: Eine te...
Nano-Optoelectronics: Concepts, Physics and D...
Nanodevices and Nanomaterials for Ecological...
Nanohybrid Catalyst based on Carbon Nanotube:...
Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion, Biomedic...
Natural Sinks of CO2: Palmas Del Mar, Puerto...
Nature-Inspired Computing for Smart Applicati...
Neglected Plant Foods Of South Asia: Explorin...
Neutron Imaging: Basics, Techniques and Appli...
New Horizons of Applied Scanning Electron Mic...
New Metaheuristic Schemes: Mechanisms and App...
Next Generation Networks. Networks and Servic...
Next-Generation High-Speed Satellite Intercon...
Non-Gaussian Random Vibration Fatigue Analysi...
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Combust...
OSS Reliability Measurement and Assessment [H...
Observer-Based Fault Estimation Techniques [H...
Online Appearance-Based Place Recognition and...
Operational Research and Systems: The Systemi...
Operations Management and Systems Engineering...
Optical Methods and Physics of Colloidal Disp...
Optimization and Games for Controllable Marko...
Our Carbon Hoofprint: The Complex Relationshi...
Paradoxes in Aerohydrodynamics [Paperback]
Partial Differential Equations: Mathematical...
Pattern Recognition and Classification: An In...
Physico-Chemical Aspects of Food Processing [...
Physics of Turbulent Jet Ignition: Mechanisms...
Plant Growth Regulators: Signalling under Str...
Polysaccharide-based Fibers and Composites: C...
Potenzialerschlie?ung durch Augmented Reality...
Practical Guide to Digital Manufacturing: Fir...
Principles of Spread-Spectrum Communication S...
Probability, Random Variables, and Data Analy...
Proceedings of The 20th Pacific Basin Nuclear...
Proceedings of the 6th China Aeronautical Sci...
Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Soci...
Proceedings of the Future Technologies Confer...
Proceedings of the Symposium of Aeronautical...
Process Control for Sheet-Metal Stamping: Pro...
Process and Device Modeling for Integrated Ci...
Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 5): What...
Quantum Well Intersubband Transition Physics...
RFID Security: A Lightweight Paradigm [Paperb
Rare Metal Technology 2016 [Hardcover]
Reactivities [Paperback]
Recent Advances in Mechatronics: 2008 - 2009...
Recent Developments in Analytical Techniques...
Recurrent Neural Networks: From Simple to Gat...
Repairing and Extending Doors and Windows [Pa...
Reviews of Plasma Physics [Hardcover]
Risk Analysis for the Digital Age [Hardcover]
Robot Operating System (ROS): The Complete Re...
Robust Control in Power Systems [Hardcover]
Rotating Machinery, Hybrid Test Methods, Vibr...
Salinity Resilience and Sustainable Crop Prod...
Schwei?technik: Verfahren und Werkstoffe [Pap...
Science and Technology of Polymer Colloids: P...
Secure Broadcast Communication: In Wired and...
Selected Sensor Circuits: From Data Sheet to...
Selenium in Food and Health [Paperback]
Semiconductor Device Modelling [Paperback]
Sensorschaltungen: Simulation mit PSPICE [Pap...
Sheet Metal Forming Processes: Constitutive M...
Short Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composite...
Signal Propagation on Interconnects [Hardcove
Simulative Untersuchung zur Effizienzsteigeru...
Singular Control Systems [Paperback]
Small Scale Gas Producer-Engine Systems [Pape...
Smart Systems: Innovations in Computing: Proc...
Smart and Sustainable Supply Chain and Logist...
Social Media for Knowledge Sharing in Automot...
Solar Energy: Technologies, Design, Modeling,...
Solving Fault Diagnosis Problems: Linear Synt...
Special Topics in Structural Dynamics & E...
Statistical Methods in Sonar [Paperback]
Stochastic Computing: Techniques and Applicat...
Stoff- und W?rmeumsatz metallurgischer Vorg?n...
Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems: Gain Contr...
Structural and Failure Mechanics of Sandwich...
Structure and Properties of High-Entropy Allo...
Structures: A Geometric Approach: Graphical S...
Supercritical Fluid Processing of Food and Bi...
Supervisory Control of Concurrent Systems: A...
Survive and Thrive: A Guide for Untenured Fac...
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2022 [...
Sustainable Design and Manufacturing: Proceed...
Sustainable Global Resources Of Seaweeds Volu...
Switching Arc Phenomena in Transmission Volta...
Tag Counting and Monitoring in Large-Scale RF...
Techniques, Tools and Methodologies Applied t...
The 6th International Conference on Wireless,...
The 9th International Conference on Energy an...
The Glass Transition: Relaxation Dynamics in...
The Influence of Delay on Cloud Gaming Qualit...
The Living Soil: A Lifetime Journey in Unders...
The Proceedings of 2023 International Confere...
The RegulatorRegulatee Relationship in High-...
The Route to Patient Safety in Robotic Surger...
The Scientific Basis of Flotation [Paperback]
Theory of Micropolar Elasticity: Course Held...
TiO2 Nanotube Arrays: Synthesis, Properties,...
Topics in Modal Analysis, Volume 10: Proceedi...
Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufactu...
Transportoptimierung im Ladungstr?gernetzwerk...
Trees III [Paperback]
Trends and Applications in Information System...
Turbo Codes: Desirable and Designable [Hardco
Ultrathin Magnetic Structures I: An Introduct...
Understanding Pendulums: A Brief Introduction...
Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics, and Aer...
Untersuchungen ?ber die Auslaufgef?hrlichkeit...
Using Renewable Energies in Buildings: Heatin...
Value Driven Product Planning and Systems Eng...
Vanadium-Based Nanomaterials for Electrochemi...
Vehicle-Manipulator Systems: Modeling for Sim...
Vibrations and Stability: Advanced Theory, An...
Visual Inference for IoT Systems: A Practical...
Water Supply Systems: New Technologies [Paper
Wellbore Integrity: From Theory to Practice [...
Werkzeugspanner (Werkzeughalter) [Paperback]
Womens Contribution to Science and Technolog...
Xenobiotics in the Soil Environment: Monitori...
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